Phase 2

of the irbc Certification process

Phase 2 involves studying for and completing a theology exam and a counseling exam, as well as submitting a pastor/elder evaluation and peer evaluation form. Study resources are provided for each exam question. The theology exam can only be accessed after you have fulfilled all the requirements (and submitted all the required documents) of Phase 1. Exams are graded on a pass/fail basis, but often parts of the exam will need to be reworked or expanded per request of the exam grader. There are grading fees associated with the exams (effective April 26, 2023). To enter into Phase 3, both exams must be passed, and the pastor/elder and peer evaluation forms must be received. Each step of the Phase 2 process is outlined in more detail below. 

Complete the irbc theology exam

of phase 2

Access the IRBC theology exam page here. This is password-protected. Access is given to this site upon completion of all the requirements of Phase 1 of the IRBC Biblical Counseling Certification process. There is a $150 grading fee associated with this exam. (Note: Those that took the IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling between the 2018-19 and the 2022-2023 classes have all fees covered. Any other person can apply for financial assistance by way of a grant using this application.)

Complete the irbc counseling exam

of phase 2

Access the IRBC counseling exam here. This is password-protected. Access to this site is given upon passing the IRBC theology exam. There is a $150 grading fee associated with this exam. (Note: Those that took the IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling between the 2018-19 and the 2022-2023 classes have all fees covered. Any other person can apply for financial assistance by way of a grant using this application.)

Submit a pastor/elder evaluation form and a peer evaluation form

of phase 2

After passing both exams, send your pastor/an elder from your church an evaluation form by copying and pasting the following link in an email to him. Likewise, send a peer an evaluation form link. Both forms must be received and approved in order for you to progress to Phase 3. You will be notified upon your entrance into Phase 3 of the Biblical counseling certification process. 

Pastor/Elder Evaluation Form Link: /counseling-certification/pastorelder-evaluation-form

Peer Evaluation Form Link: /counseling-certification/peer-evaluation-form