The Sufficiency of Scripture

We firmly believe that the truth revealed in Holy Scripture is entirely sufficient to meaningfully and relevantly address and fulfill every person's spiritual needs in every situation, in every period of time. 

Due to its inspired nature, Scripture is “living and active” and therefore able to discern “the thoughts and intentions of the heart” of every living person (Hebrews 4:12). Whenever evil intentions are discerned by the Word and properly confessed and turned away from, the Spirit revives and makes that human heart wise with truth contained in the Scriptures (Psalm 19:7).

This wisdom is applied specifically to each person in association with the general purpose for which mankind was created: the glorification and enjoyment of God. God is glorified and enjoyed by each person as he/she seeks to fulfill all of his/her positions and roles in accordance with Scripture.

Because the authority of Scripture has been brought into question by some who profess to be Christians in these perilous times in which we live, we believe it is necessary to declare what we believe concerning God’s Holy Word itself. This declaration will be followed by statements indicating what we believe about its sufficiency to address man’s spiritual needs, as well as its ability to serve as a “lens” to evaluate various propositions of truth (knowledge) propagated within counseling-related fields. The essence of the statements which will be shared are not wholly original or exhaustive.

Declaration concerning the authority of Scripture 

  • We believe that each of the 66 books which comprise the Canon of Scripture are verbally inspired by God in their entirety. Holy Scripture is therefore infallible and inerrant.
  • We believe that all of the teachings, principles, and promises contained within Scripture are altogether true and without fault. They are completely trustworthy and are therefore a sure, safe, and reliable guide in all matters.
  • We believe Scripture represents God’s authority and viewpoint in all of the matters it touches upon, including its literary origins, God’s acts in creation, the people spoken about within its pages, and the events of world history. It is entirely faultless and trustworthy in all its assertions.

Transitional statements

  • Holy Scripture can only be inwardly authenticated and believed in human hearts, as well as properly understood and applied to any matter, through the work of its Divine Author, God the Holy Spirit.
  • Special revelation (Scripture) and general revelation are of divine origin. In the beginning God spoke (special revelation) and out of nothing (ex nihilo) created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) (general revelation).
  • No human being can be saved or properly understand the things revealed in special or general revelation without being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, and having Him as his/her head. For as Scripture says, it is in Christ “in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3).
  • God’s children obtain His wisdom and knowledge from special revelation through Jesus Christ by the illumination of the Holy Spirit and the proper interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. They receive the same from Him concerning discoveries from general revelation as they test them with Scripture and make application of them for the glory of God and the good of His children.

Statements about the                                  sufficiency of Scripture

  • Holy Scripture is entirely sufficient to meaningfully and relevantly address all of man’s spiritual needs in every situation in every period of time.
  • Holy Scripture is the only sufficient means whereby a comprehensive system of counseling principles and practices that can affect genuine change in the human heart can be derived.
  • Holy Scripture is sufficient to be used as a lens to discern truth from error in all of the fields of knowledge. The “Spectacles of Scripture” alone provide for the human mind a world and life perspective, which enables one to think correctly about and critically evaluate information and actions from any human source, whether that be a thought or a system of thought derived from an individual or a collective entity.
  • Scriptural truth is timeless and comprehensive in wisdom and is therefore sufficient in its ability to aid the regenerated mind in understanding, ordering, and applying all knowledge in all places at all times.

Concluding statements about God's Truth as it specifically applies to biblical counseling

  • All knowledge from the realms of special and general revelation ultimately comes from God. Knowledge from the realm of special revelation is of a different nature than knowledge from general revelation, because it is absolute Truth. Since it is absolute Truth, we can use it as a lens to discern what is ethical and valuable in the realm of general revelation, and appropriately apply knowledge from both realms to counseling-related endeavors in a meaningful and effective way.
  • Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and the Member of the Trinity in Whom all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are revealed (Colossians 2:3).  Biblical counselors are utilized by Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit to bring the truth of Scripture to bear in the lives of counselees for their regeneration, edification, and particularly sanctification.  God is glorified through the truth of special revelation as counselees respond to it by faith, are conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and are brought into greater communion with Him and members of His body.
  • Biblical counselors are used by Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit to bring applicable knowledge from general revelation to bear in the lives of counselees. This is done in such a way as to minimize the effects of sin and the Fall, and/or restore bodily components or capacities associated with various aspects of the Internal Dominant Domains. Such work can and often does positively affect the regenerated person’s soul, thereby enabling it–along with his/her body–to be more productive in service to God for His glory and the enjoyment of Him.