Phase 1

of the irbc certification process

Phase 1 involves completing the IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling (or acceptable basic training transfers), completing ten hours of counselor observation (fulfilled in the IRBC Basic Training Course), submitting five 7DD Supplemental Data Collecting and Goal Forms filled out during the counselor observations, and fulfilling the reading requirements associated with Phase 1. To enter into Phase 2, all of the requirements associated with Phase 1 must be completed, and entrance forms for entrance into Phase 2 must be filled out and submitted. Each step of the Phase 1 process is outlined below.

Basic Training Requirement

of phase 1

The basic training portion of Phase 1 is fulfilled when one successfully completes all the class requirements associated with IRBC's Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling. Only students that fully completed the course (i.e., received a certificate of completion) have fulfilled this training requirement. Students have five years from the date they completed the basic training course to apply for IRBC certification. Click here to learn more about IRBC's Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling. 

Approved training transfers: Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Biblical Counseling Degrees, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Counseling Degrees, Westminster Theological Seminary Biblical Counseling Degrees, Reformed Baptist Seminary Biblical Counseling Degrees, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary Counseling Degrees, the CCEF School of Biblical Counseling training course, the IBCD Care & Discipleship Training course*, and the ACBC Fundamentals Training Course can all be substituted for the IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling (which is part of the Phase 1 requirements for IRBC Certification). You may inquire about other institutions which are not listed. Appropriate documentation (certificates of completion, diplomas, etc.) verifying that one has completed one of these other approved courses is required.

*Note: The “free” method of taking the IBCD course (listening to free audios online) will not be acknowledged for fulfilling Basic Training requirements, as there are no accountability measures and no associated documentation proving that course requirements have been met.)  

Counseling Observation Requirement

of phase 1

The counseling observation requirement of Phase 1 is fulfilled when one views ten hours of counseling observation. This requirement is fulfilled by those that fully complete the IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling. One has to fill out an associated log, displaying which observations were watched during the class (see document submissions section of this page). Approved observation sessions include observation DVDs developed by IBCD and Faith Lafayette. 

Effective January 2022, along with watching the prescribed observation videos, one is required to submit at least five completed 7DD Supplemental Data Collecting and Goal Forms (i.e., hard copies, scanned copies, or cell phone pictures). These forms will be turned in with the other required documents upon submission of your application to move on to Phase 2. (*Note: If you took the class prior to 2022, you will not have to fill out/submit 7DD sheets.)

Reading requirement

of phase 1

Effective January 2022, one must read Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands (Paul David Tripp), The Peacemaker (Ken Sande), A Training Manual for Reformed Biblical Counselors: Introduction (formerly the DPTM: I), “Is Reformed Biblical Counseling For Or Against Psychology?” (article by Doll/Looyenga - email if you need a copy), and “Approaching Christian Counseling with a Reformed Worldview” (article by Looyenga - email if you need a copy). These requirements are fulfilled if one completes the IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling. Louis Berkhof’s Manual of Christian Doctrine will also need to be read before applying for Phase 2. A free copy of Berkhof’s work can be found here

*Note: If you took the course prior to 2022, you will have to go back and read the above books and articles.

Requesting admission into Phase 2

Submitting forms

1. Complete and submit the application for admission into Phase 2 form. 

2. Complete and submit the Doctrinal Commitment Form.

3. Scan a copy or picture of your IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling Certificate of Completion (or appropriate verification from other approved organizations). If you are unable to use the link, you can send the scan/copy via email to

4. Complete and submit the counseling observation form. If you took the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, or 2023-2024 IRBC Basic Training Course in Reformed Biblical Counseling, you can email to request a document that will help you fill out this form. 

5.  Submit five copies of completed 7DD Supplemental Data Collecting and Goal Forms. *Notes: One is not required to establish goals on the forms turned in; rather, the focus should be on data collection. Students from courses prior to the 2022 class do not need to submit these forms.

6. Complete and submit the reading requirement form